A1. Falko Weidenbach of Naumburg (2011) has located the following information about Johann Heinrich Weidenbach. Falko lives in Naumburg with his wife Sandra and there are two daughters. Falko is keenly interested in family history and has published the website: http://www.myheritage.de/site-128856671/familie-weidenbach. As yet no direct link between Falko’s ancestors and Painter Weidenbach has been uncovered. Falko’sWeidenbach ancestors were originally from Uichteritz and Weißenfels, towns on the river Saale midway between Naumburg and Merseburg. They include Johann Gottlob Weidenbach – Uichteritz, 21.01.1801 – 18?? and Johann Friedrich Weidenbach – Uichteritz, 24.01.1832 – 1918.
A1.1 "Chronik der Stadt Naumburg an der Saale auf die Jahre 1800 bis mit 1814." by Johann Karl Gottlieb Mann. Quellen und Schriften zur Naumburger Stadtgeschichte /1 Herausgegeben vom Museumsverein Naumburg.
paragraph 016r Naumburg - Religious Schoolmasters at the end of the 18th Century
"…. and also many just so loyal and religious schoolmasters who carried out good broad religious education, especially in both scholarly schools,. They dedicated more time to it because the teaching subjects were at that time still not as varied and diverse. And they supplied the preachers with most knowledgeable and well instructed young Christians as confirmation candidates. Some of these learned, pious and through long worthwhile service useful to the city schoolmasters have moved with us into the new century: the, of outstanding merit, Greise Lobeck, Rector at the cathedral school; Braune, Conrector at the same place; Staffel, Conrector at the City School; Mehmel, Cantor at the same place. Also were some respected men in both schools were promoted further out of town, amongst which to us Naumburgers still unforgettable are the Rectors of the church boarding school in Zeitz, the immortal Milke, and the still living Müller; Church Councillor Döring in Gotha; the Consistory Councillor and Rector of Schulpforta, Doctor Ilgen.
Still more loyal and worthy are many mothers and wives among the citizen and tradesman classes, who received religious instruction and discipline from the girls-teacher, Johann Heinrich Weidenbach. He was a faithful, devout, totally competent man, who finally when Verger at St. Wenceslas Church, died on the 18th March 1792, aged 50 ¼. " (kw translation)
A1.2 Einwohnerbuch Naumburg von 1600
- am 14.5. 1739 hat Johann Friedrich Weidenbach als Rathsziegeldeckermeister (roofer with master craftsman's diploma) das Bürgerrecht erhalten.
- am 16.06.1772 hat Johann Heinrich Weidenbach als Mägdelein und Schulmeister (Teacher in the Girl’s School) das Bürgerrecht erhalten.
A2. The following data has been extracted from the Naumburg "Inhabitants Book" and from the Cathedral School Magazine by Dr Siegfried Wagner, Director of Naumburg Stadtmuseum and Frau Susanne Kröner, Head of Naumburg Town Archives.
A2.1. Einwohnerbuch Naumburg T-Z 1826-1840; 1841-1850; 1851
Lfd. Nr. 429: Weidenbach, Friedrich August, Zeichenmeister und Mahler. *4.4.1790 in Naumburg Hzgtm Sachsen, Wohnung 1826: Haus 732; 5.4.1827: Haus 790; 1.10.1838: Haus 730; 1.10.1840: Haus 790; 1842: 790; 11.4.47: 779; 1851: 777 +22.11.1860; 1860: Domplatz 777
Lfd. Nr. 430: Weidenbach Christiane Friederike, * 5.12.1795 in Hohenstein bei Chemnitz, Kgr. Sachsen. 1851: 777, 769 +23.9.1863.
A2.2. Ko V, 25, Bd. 9: Schulnachrichten des Domgymnasiums Nmbg. 1859-60,
S. IX-X Beitrag zum 25 Amtsjubiläum, 5. Mai 1859, Festdiner im
"Hinter seinem Platze im Speisesaale zeigte sich, vom Maler Herrn
Weidenbach gemalt, der Dom mit dem Gymnasiamgebäude".
Dito, 1860-61, S. XI, Verordnungen und Bekanntmachungen:
"Naumburg, den 26. November. Das Hochw. Domkapitel genehmigt es,
dass dem Herrn Louis Weidenbach, der schon bei Lebzeiten seines
Vaters denselben, wenn auch nur kurze Zeit, vertreten hat, der
Zeichenunterricht provisorisch übertragen werde."
Dito, S. XV:
"Von den technischen Lehrern entriss uns aber der Tod ganz plötzlich
den Maler und Zeichenlehrer Herrn Friedrich August Weidenbach, einen
Mann, der wegen seiner unermüdlichen Tätigkeit und seines ächt
christlichen, biedern und harmlosen Sinnes allgemeine Achtung genoss
und namentlich uns, die wir ihn näher kannten, außerordentlich lieb
und wert geworden war. Er war in Naumburg den 4. April 1790 geboren.
In frühester Kindheit verlor er durch den Tod den Vater, der
Mädchen-Schullehrer und Kirchner an der St. Wenzelskirche in
Naumburg war, zog bald danach mit der Mutter nach Dresden, widmete
sich dort der Malerkunst und übte dieselbe nachher in verschiedenen
Städten in Sachsen aus. Im Jahre 1817 kehrte er in seine Vaterstadt
zurück und Ostern 1842 wurde ihm der Zeichenunterricht am
Domgymnasium übertragen. Er starb den 22. November nach kurzem
Krankenlager in einem Alter von 70 Jahren und sieben Monaten. Friede
seiner Asche."
"Of the technical teachers, taken from us by sudden death was the painter and drawing teacher Mr. Friedrich August Weidenbach, a man who, because of his untiring energy and his exceptional Christian, upright and considerate sense, enjoyed general respect … in particular from those of us whom were nearest to him, and to whom he had become extraordinarily loved and esteemed. He was born in Naumburg on the 4th of April 1790. His father, (Johann Heinrich), who was the girls’ school teacher and Verger (Kirchner) at the St. Wenzelskirche in Naumburg, died when Friedrich was in his early childhood. He went away soon after with his mother to Dresden, devoting himself there to the art of painting, and he practised this art afterwards in different cities in Saxony. In the year 1817 he returned to his father city. In Easter 1842, he was entrusted with art drawing lessons at the Cathedral High School. He died on the 22nd of November1860 after short hospitalisation at an age of 70 years and seven months. God rest his soul." (kw translation)
A3. Peter Scotland (
http://members.ozemail.com.au/~scotlandfam/WEIDENBACH/ )
extracted the following data from the Pustkuchen family history:
O.E Pustkuchen, CHRONICON - The family of Pustkuchen
(The Western Australia publishing house - 1988), p35 (hereafter
cited as Chronicon, Pustkuchen).
First Generation
1. Johann Heinrich1 WEIDENBACH (#4114) birth date unknown.
Johann Heinrich WEIDENBACH had the following family:
+ 2 i. Friedrich August2 WEIDENBACH was born 4th April 1790.
Second Generation
2. Friedrich August2 WEIDENBACH (Johann Heinrich1) (#4112) was born
1790.(1) Friedrich died 1860 at 70 years of age.
He married Christiane Dorothea WOLLNER. (Christiane Dorothea WOLLNER
is #4113.) Christiane was born 1790.(2) Christiane died 1858 at 68
years of age.(3)
A4. In 1981 Chris Illert, Henley Beach, South Australia, self published a "Commemorative Biography of Maximilian Ferdinand Weidenbach".
This pioneering work provided what was probably the first comprehensive account of the Weidenbach famly with an emphasis on the exploits of the egyptologist, Maximilian. Now, thirty years later, there are more available sources, which prove that some of the earlier inferences were a little speculative. For example, it can now be shown that:
A4.1. The South Australian immigrants August Friedrich and Gustav Adolf were not Maximilian's brothers. They were his cousins.
A4.2. Anton Joseph Weidenbach 1809-1871, the famous writer and historian, was not related to Painter Weidenbach. He was born, the son of a shoemaker, in Linz am Rhein.