The eldest son, Georg Gustav, was born at Chemnitz in 1813 and moved to Naumburg an der Saale with his parents when he was four years old. He matriculated from the Domschule Gymnasium in 1834. In January 1835, at the age of 21 yrs, he left home to attend Halle University. Later he taught at the City School in Dresden. In 1881 Gustav was living with his wife Emilie and children in Germany and was gravely ill.
Further research by Rev. Dr. Simon Wayte, 2021, has provided more extensive information about Georg Gustav and his descendants.
Georg Gustav was born on 1 August 1813 in Chemnitz and died on 11 January 1881 in Westlich Dresden at the age of 67 years.
He graduated from the Cathedral School in Naumburg in 1834 and commenced study at Halle University in 1835.
On the 14th February 1847 in Dresden he married Emilie Theresie Schweitzer, daughter of Traugott Tertulian Schweitzer. Emilie was christened on 10 March 1816 in Dresden.
At the time of the marriage Georg Gustav was listed as a theological candidate.. Their first three children were born in Berlin in November 1847, July 1849 and March 1851. The second two children died in April and August 1851 in Berlin. Their fourth child was born in Dresden n 1853.
Georg Gustav worked as a teacher at City School in Dresden.
Two of his children, Johannes Georg and Hermann Georg, had distinguished careers as a musician and as an architect, respectiveley.
Georg Gustav must not be confused with his cousin Gustav Adolph who migrated to South Australia in 1849.
A1. The following data has been extracted from the Naumburg "Inhabitants Book" by Dr Siegfried Wagner, Director of Naumburg Stadtmuseum and Frau Susanne Kröner, Head of Naumburg Town Archives.
Einwohnerbuch Naumburg T-Z 1826-1840; 1841-1850; 1851
Lfd. Nr. 431: Weidenbach Gustav (Sohn von 429). *1.8.1813 in Chemnitz; Wohnung wie 429,: 27.1.1835 nach Halle auf die Universität.
A2. Data extracted from the archives of the Marien Parish by Werner Happ confirms this data and identifies Augustus Friedrich as a cousin of Painter Weidenbach's son Georg Gustav. ( see "Cousins August and Gustav". )
A3. Diosma Weidenbach's Diary (Tagebuch) entry for Adelaide, 23rd February 1881: "Wir haben aus Deutschland gehört, dass Gustav und Ernst nicht mehr lange leben werden. Wie traurig für ihre Frauen Emilie und Erica. Ich weiß wie schwer es ist, wenn der Vater den Kindern verloren geht." (We have heard from Germany that Gustav and Ernst will not live much longer. How sad for their wives Emilie and Erica. I know how difficult it is when the father of the children is missing. " (kw translation)
A4 Rev. Dr. Simon Wayte 2021 - Descendants of Georg Gustav Weidenbach.